Bernard Cornwell Talks The Winter King

One of the first guests in the upcoming The Winter King Podcast is author Bernard Cornwell.

The Winter King is the first novel in Cornwell’s Warlord Chronicles, first published in the UK in 1995 and now turned into a TV series starring Iain De Caestecker, Jordan Alexandra, Stuart Campbell and Ellie James. The book is based on characters and plot elements from Arthurian myth, but considerably changed and re-worked.

Despite favourable reviews from critics, the TV series faced some backlash online due to its diverse cast and lose adaption of the original source material. Bernard Cornwell has now addressed some of the concerns in the Official The Winter King Podcast (available on all podcast platforms):

I think they did a magnificent job, a quite extraordinary job, so I think you’re in for a treat.

I mean, I think the casting has been superb. The one member of the cast who actually dazzled me was Ellie James playing Nimue, which was almost exactly as I’d in a sense imagined Nimue.

So obviously when you get a character on screen, who’s doing exactly what you put her in to do in the book, you like it. She has a force which is remarkable and she’s a formidable young woman, Nimue, and she has a great role to play in the rest of the series of course.

Not always as a heroine but she’s a very complicated lady, is Nimue, and Ellie James I think caught her superbly, perfectly in fact, and I think the casting has been superb all through and Iain [de Caestecker] makes a wonderful Arthur.

Source: The Winter King Podcast

Arthur (Iain de Caestecker) and his priest Sansum (Andrew Gower)

Selected Reviews

Druidess Nimue (Ellie James) and Priest Sansum (Andrew Gower)